La Révolution, 1896
Valentine Cameron Prinsep

Right is not right; so is not so. If right were really right, it would differ so clearly from not right that there would be no need for argument. If so were really so, it would differ so clearly from not so that there would be no need for argument. Forget the years; forget distinctions. Leap into the boundless and make it your home.
The only preparation I can make (for death) is by fulfilling my present duties. This is the everlasting life.
---Ralph Waldo Emerson
The spiritual life is, then, first of all a matter of keeping awake.
---Thomas Merton
I confess I was caught flat-footed yesterday afternoon when a TruthOut update hit my mailbox containing a bulletin William Pitt had sent out the evening before. I scarcely took time to read it all until this morning so even though I can find absolutely no mention of this in the media or even most of the sites and blogs still awake to the issue, it may be old news to some of you. This is about Election 2004 and the Ohio Recount which most of us thought was dead and gone...and I must say I haven't even visited many of the sites in a long time and my whole computer research system on this stuff is rusty and in disarray. But guess who still is awake and watching! Kerry-Edwards.
Trying to catch up with a case as complicated as this one has gotten is not easy for the layperson, so I may make mistakes in my account. Essentially, it seems to me, we now are in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, the Honorable Judge Edmond Sargus presiding. David Cobb of the Green Party, Michael Badnarik of the Libertarian Party, the National Voting Rights Institute and some others filed jointly last December that the Ohio election recount was conducted by Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell in a manner inconsistent with even his own standards. They call for it to be done again. http://www.nvri.org/about/ohio_cobb_badnarik_counterclaims_123004.pdf (You need Adobe for all these links to the briefs.)
Furthermore they demanded all the voting machines and materials be impounded pending investigation. http://www.nvri.org/about/ohio_memo_in_support_122304.pdf The charged tampering by Triad techies is involved in this one. There has been bluster from the Republican administration in Ohio, but no resolution of these charges. Attorney General Petro even decided to sue the plaintiffs for all the time and money they're costing our poor state. On February 11th, Cobb and Badnarik filed for a hearing before Judge Sargus to find out what is going on with these motions. On February 14th, Judge Sargus asked for a briefing as to why the case ought not be transferred to Judge Carr up in the Northern District of Ohio, where the case that expedited the recount was decided back in November. On February 23rd, Cobb and Badnarik responded in opposition and gave their reasons why. http://www.truthout.org/pdf/cobbbadnariktransfertatement22305.pdf
The next day John Kerry and John Edwards added their names officially as Intervenor Counter Plaintiffs in these actions. Donald McTigue is their attorney and he introduces himself to the judge here http://www.truthout.org/pdf/kerryedwardsmctiguedecl22405.pdf . They also present a survey they took of election officials who participated in the Ohio Recount. The contention in the case is the recount was not conducted randomly but rather from prepared vote samples. They present the survey as exhibit of evidence here http://www.truthout.org/pdf/kerryedwardsmotionforhearing22405.pdf and the summary here http://www.truthout.org/pdf/kerryedwardssummarychart22405.pdf . Kerry-Edwards final filing on Thursday was in support of Cobb and Badnarik not to transfer the venue. http://www.truthout.org/pdf/kerryedwardstransferstatement22405.pdf
William Pitt's account of these developments is here http://forum.truthout.org/blog/story/2005/2/24/183243/756 , while The Free Press' story of moves involving Blackwell and Conyers is here http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2005/1172 , though as of this writing nothing about Kerry-Edwards yet. Ray Beckerman is mirroring the TruthOut story too, as well as continuing to present the staggering list of fraud evidence at this page http://fairnessbybeckerman.blogspot.com/#110226258199324878 . Of special interest is the featured link to Richard Hayes Phillips' analysis of Ohio's vote that shows Kerry won. http://ohioelection2004.com/WordHost/phillipsestimate.doc (That's a Wordpad document.) David Cobb's site is not updated but does talk about the Recount effort. http://www.votecobb.org/press/2005/feb/pr2005-02-08.php
Finally, Will Pitt wrote last night that no one should get hopes up. He says Kerry blew it when he conceded too soon...and so all that will be accomplished will be for future generations. http://forum.truthout.org/blog/story/2005/2/25/182032/611 But wait a minute~~~if we get another recount and Richard Hayes Phillips' contention is upheld, what then? If Kerry won Ohio...and maybe some other states still in contention, what to do about that buffoon strutting around the world these days? Wouldn't Bush simply have to step down? Or would things have to get rough?